Hisway School of Prayer
We all need heroes of the faith. We are very fortunate to have met Pastor Bob Willhite early in our ministry many years ago. Pastor Willhite became both our mentor in prayer and hero of faith. Hisway School of Prayer is all about sharing this great man's teachings on the subject of prayer. These teachings radically impacted our lives and thousands of others throughout the U.S. and Internationally. You have probably never heard these principles of prayer anywhere else. Our goal throughout the episodes is to leave a Legacy of Prayer of this great man's teachings. They will encourage you, build your faith, and answer many of the questions you have had about prayer for a long time. Kathy and I will share some of those teaching in our episodes. One of the first principles that we learned from Pastor Bob was "If you have enough faith to pray...you have enough faith to move the hand of God" Sadly we add that B.J. Willhite passed on November 4, 2022.
Season 2 is a continuation of Pastor Bob Willhite's Legacy with John & Kathy teaching his prayer principles as they introduce Light Time: The Walk After the Water, a part of the Hisway School of Prayer presented in a conversational manner.
Hisway School of Prayer
Admit It & Quit It Part 2
Light Time:
The Walk After the Water - Walk Talks
In this episode John shares the need of a mentor at the beginning stages of his own walk with Christ.
We all have come out of different lifestyles that we felt, at the time, were not that bad. However, John shares some scriptures that help us all identify areas in our lives and offers some encouragement on how God can help us.
Calling the Nation to Prayer, One Family at a Time
Remember: "If you have enough faith to pray, you have enough faith to move the hand of God!"
For multiple episodes, please listen in chronological order.
***All proceeds from Pastor Willhite's book sales go to National Call to Prayer. http://nationalcalltoprayer.org/ ( NCTP is a 501(c)(3) charitable non-profit organization)
Check out our website: https://hiswayprayer.com/
Check out our Videos of Walk Talks: