Hisway School of Prayer

Check Yourself Don't Wreck Yourself Part 2

John & Kathy Casto Season 2 Episode 10

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In this episode John and Kathy continue their discussion of "Check Yourself Don't Wreck Yourself." You will learn that the Word of God must become your standard of living to avoid the "wrecks" or pitfalls in life. Additionally, the rhythm of prayer using the Matthew 6 outline is mentioned as a means to "check yourself" to find the will of God and the grace to forgive others.

Calling the Nation to Prayer, One Family at a Time
Remember: "If you have enough faith to pray, you have enough faith to move the hand of God!"
For multiple episodes, please listen in chronological order.
***All proceeds from Pastor Willhite's book sales go to National Call to Prayer. http://nationalcalltoprayer.org/ ( NCTP is a 501(c)(3) charitable non-profit organization)
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