Hisway School of Prayer

Why Should I Pray the Word of God?

John & Kathy Casto Season 2 Episode 12

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Light Time - The Walk After the Water  is a continuation of Pastor Bob Willhite's Legacy of Prayer. Kathy and I encourage new believers and new listeners to review all of Pastor Bob's prayer teachings in Season 1. The listener will find a lot of answers to their questions. 

In this episode Kathy shares what she discovered about praying the scriptures starting with the Lord's Prayer in Matthew 6 and specifically "Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be Done" in our lives.  Kathy prays the Word of God (specific scriptures for specific needs) because it is the Will of God and all of heaven (angels) goes to work in our behalf.

Calling the Nation to Prayer, One Family at a Time
Remember: "If you have enough faith to pray, you have enough faith to move the hand of God!"
For multiple episodes, please listen in chronological order.
***All proceeds from Pastor Willhite's book sales go to National Call to Prayer. http://nationalcalltoprayer.org/ ( NCTP is a 501(c)(3) charitable non-profit organization)
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Check out our Videos of Walk Talks: