Hisway School of Prayer

Nothing Changes Until You Pray

John & Kathy Casto Season 2

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Light Time - The Walk After the Water  is a continuation of Pastor Bob Willhite's Legacy of Prayer. Kathy and I encourage new believers and new listeners to review all of Pastor Bob's prayer teachings in Season 1. The listener will find many answers to their questions.   

In this episode John is speaking at a church conference. He shares 3 of Pastor Willhite’s prayer principles:

 1. God has a perfect will about anything that matters in your life. However, He will not impose His will upon you.  2. Situations and events in your life will take a natural course of action unless there is a reason for them to be otherwise. 3. Prayer justifies God’s supernatural intervention into any given situation. 

Ask me and I will tell you remarkable secrets, that you do not know, about things to come. Jeremiah 33:3 (NLT)    Additional scriptures found in Matthew 7:7-9 Ask, Seek, and Knock

A Gentle Remember: Nothing changes until you pray about it.

Calling the Nation to Prayer, One Family at a Time
Remember: "If you have enough faith to pray, you have enough faith to move the hand of God!"
For multiple episodes, please listen in chronological order.
***All proceeds from Pastor Willhite's book sales go to National Call to Prayer. http://nationalcalltoprayer.org/ ( NCTP is a 501(c)(3) charitable non-profit organization)
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